Performance test station (OPB Cunkov)
Rearing of beef breeding bulls
Aberdeen Angus - 23 animals
Aubrac - 3 animals
Charolais - 11 animals
Limousine - 32 animals
Masný Simentál - 6 animals
Parthenaise - 1 animal
Salers - 1 animal
Wagyu - 1 animal
The selections and auctions will take place on 19-20 February 2025
19.2.2025 - Limousine, Beef Simental, Parthenaise
20.2.2025 - Aberdeen Angus, Aubrac, Charolais, Salers, Wagyu
Aberdeen Angus - 29 animals
Aubrac - 4 animals
Bazadaise - 1 animal
Blonde d´Aquitaine - 5 animals
Charolais - 21 animals
Limousine - 15 animals
Masný Simentál - 12 animals
Parthenaise - 2 animals
Selections and auctions of bulls will take place on April 8, April 25 and May 2, 2025
8.4.2025 - Aberdeen Angus - only the auction itself will take place (according to the Angus methodology)
25.4.2025 - Charolais, Limousine
2.5.2025 - Aubrac, Bazadaise, Blonde ď Aquitaine, Beef Simental, Parthenaise
Aberdeen Angus - 11 animals
Aubrac - 4 animals
Blonde d´Aquitaine - 2 animals
Charolais - 4 animals
Limousine - 6 animals
Masný Simentál - 2 animals
Parthenaise - 2 animals
Salers - 1 animal
For more informations please contact us by email:
Performance test station (OPB Cunkov)
Rearing of beef breeding bulls
Pavel Kozak, Ing. purchased and reconstructed the stable K-96 in village Cunkov near Jistebnice in the district of Tabor and established the company Bull farm (OPB) Cunkov Ltd. in 2000.
Until then the cattle farmers in South Bohemia haven’t had available any farm of breeding bulls.
OPB Cunkov became a specialized farm for beef breeding bulls, approved to monitoring performance, performance tests and evaluation of beef breed bulls, on the basis of the decision of the Czech beef breeders Association and subsequent approval by the Ministry of Agriculture,. OPB Cunkov is the only specialized Rearing station of beef breeding bulls of its kind in South Bohemia.
Pavel Kozak, Ing., is widely using ET ( embryo transfer) to expand the herd on his beef farm at Ostry by Jistebnice.
Young bulls thus obtained and suitable for breeding and testing are transferred to the rearing stable where after a successful rearing and a basic selection they become sires, which are used then for natural mating as well as for artificial insemination.
At OPB Cunkov are organized the basic selections of bulls for breeding as well as auctions of beef breeding bulls held up to four times a year (each term is 120days).
Aberdeen Angus
If you are interested in, please, contact us by e-mail:
breeding, testing, and demonstration of a bull in a basic selection and in an auction
transport of animals
Veterinary requirements needed for you to place your young bulls to OPB Cunkov (download pamphlet)