OBP Cunkov s.r.o.


We use and offer embryos of beef cattle

The herd of cattle that is reared on farm Ostry is growing thanks to the intensive use of embryo transfer, thus getting genes of excellent animals from around the world into the Czech Republic.

Heifers born this way serve as a rich source of genetic material not only for the quality improvement of the basic herd at Ostry, but also for other breeders.

After meeting all relevant criteria, young bulls are destined for rearing and testing at OPB Cunkov. After successful completion of the test and basic selection they become sires which are active both in an artificial insemination and in a natural mating.


Extend your genetic pool of the herd
Choose from our selection of embryos:


Aberdeen Angus (download)
Bazadaise (download)
Charolais (download)
Limousine (download)
Wagyu (download)

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